“No significant learning occurs without a significant relationship.”

                                                                                          – Dr. James Comer

             The role of a teacher, now-a-days, is something different from what we were into. We were in an age where the classes were teacher oriented. Our teachers provided us with the information, logics, ideas and their thinking. We, most of the time, just learnt without thinking or asking any questions as we were not given any choice. It wasn’t the fault of our teachers or us but actually it was our society as well as the system that forced us to stay in that kind of stubborn situation.

            But now we are in the time where students don’t come only with obedience and acceptance and the teachers are working as mentor and educator. There are changes everywhere and I think amid them most of the changes are very positive. Our classes are now student oriented. Students have all the information. With a click- they test, verify and make questions on what the teacher is saying in the classroom. Students are no more in a state of learning without questioning.

            Children use various strategies for achieving their goals. Some students learn quickly in the classroom. But most of them need repeated teaching method for understanding. Teachers collect information and filter them to a child’s level of understanding. Sometimes teachers need to acquire enough information for those students who are struggling with given tasks. Teachers are now doing more research work on how the classes will be more enjoyable and fruitful rather than thinking about typical exams and results.

             Students have to spend 5-6 hours in a day with their teachers. During this time, teacher is not only the person who works with academic side but also with moral values. To most of the students, teachers are their role models. In many aspects, students listen to their teachers more than they listen to their parents. Now the students directly express their feelings and thinking about the class as well as the teachers. Teachers are also very free and frank to communicate with their students. Now, teaching is not about information, it’s about having an honest intellectual relationship with student.

                 We need more teachers who are teachers by choice. Social, innovative, technology enthusiast, story teller, prepared, tolerant, committed, organized – these are some of the qualities of the modern teachers. And their students are also having some qualities that complement their teacher’s skills. So, the bonding is stronger than before. We have moved on to more rational and questioning atmosphere. Today students feel no hesitation in asking questions from their teachers.

                 There is a saying that great teachers empathize with kids, respect them, and believe that each one has something special that can be built upon. They take hands, open minds and touch hearts. The improvement of relationship actually requires a modernizing of the entire mindset. Both the parties need to understand that this teacher-student relationship is an inclusive relationship and requires both to meet each other halfway.


Nazma Taniya Soma.                               

